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Addons are external functions that control or create many different Tippy instances, and can be tree-shaken away by bundlers.

#Event delegation

Event delegation allows you to let a common parent element handle the creation of tippy instances for child elements.

This allows two things:

  • It prevents the need to create new instances for new child elements appended to the parent.
  • It improves performance as the creation of the tippy instances is deferred until they are triggered for the first time.


Your markup should have a structure like this example:

<div class="parent">
  <button class="child">Text</button>
  <button class="child">Text</button>
  <button class="child">Text</button>

Pass a targets argument to the delegate() addon function (the same type the tippy() function can accept) which represents the parent element(s) that should act as a delegate, and a target prop representing a CSS selector that should match the child elements which should receive a tippy.

import {delegate} from 'tippy.js';

delegate('#parent', {
  target: '.child'

In the CDN (iife) version, it's available as tippy.delegate()

#Return type

Because delegate() can create many different instances, it returns an opaque value depending on the type supplied, just like tippy().

const delegateInstances = delegate('.parent', {
  target: '.child'
}); // Instance[]

const delegateInstance = delegate(parentElement, {
  target: '.child'
}); // Instance


By default, when you destroy a delegate instance, it also destroys any child instances that may have been created by it. If you want to prevent this behavior, pass false as an argument:

const delegateInstance = delegate(parentElement, {
  target: '.child'

// Prevents further creation and destroys any created child tippy instances
// Prevents further creation only


This addon uses Element.prototype.closest(), which is not supported in older browsers. You will need to polyfill this method to get full support.


A singleton is a single tippy element that takes the place of an array of regular tippy instances.

This allows two things:

  • Smooth transitions of the tippy between many different reference element targets
  • Elements with tooltips next to each other that have a delay can be "grouped" so they appear to share a timeout, which greatly improves UX

See the demo for it in action.


Pass an array of tippy instances to the createSingleton addon function, and a delay prop:

import tippy, {createSingleton} from 'tippy.js';

const tippyInstances = tippy('button');
const singleton = createSingleton(tippyInstances, {delay: 1000});

In the CDN (iife) version, it's available as tippy.createSingleton()

#Smooth transitions

Utilize the updateDuration prop, which is the transition duration between position updates of the tippy element:

const singleton = createSingleton(tippyInstances, {
  delay: 1000,
  updateDuration: 500


Enabling transitions may cause overflow issues if the tippy content is near the right/bottom edge of a boundary (e.g. window) and the tippy content changes from small to large. This is because of the transition causing the tippy to expand the boundary, making Popper.js think it will fit.

To solve this, constrain the tippy to the viewport:

createSingleton(instances, {
  boundary: 'viewport'

#Timing function

The transition-timing-function by default is easeOutQuint. Usually this looks nice, but you can change this (to add an inertial slingshot effect for example) like so:

const singleton = createSingleton(tippyInstances, {
  updateDuration: 500,
  onCreate({popper}) {
    // Any easing function you want. = 'cubic-bezier(...)';